Mental Wellness

There are many benefits of using yoga for migraine headaches. Migraines are typically a result of an inflamed nerve in the brain which changes the blood flow, causing one side of your head to hurt uncontrollably. Yoga helps ease this inflammation by oxygenating the blood, regulating blood circulation, promoting relaxation, and reducing mental and physical stress. In fact, a regular yoga practice can reduce the number of migraine attacks you have in a month significantly.


Women are 3.25 times more likely to get migraines than men. Only 18% of men have reported suffering from migraines compared to a whopping 43% of women.

5 Benefits Of Using Yoga To Treat Migraines

    1. No side effects: While it’s common practice to take a painkiller to treat your migraine, yoga acts as a great add-on because it is natural and supplements your path to recovery.
  • Hormonal Balance: Women report having migraines more often just before their period or during menstruation. Migraines are also more common in women with PCOS, endometriosis, and menopausal women. Yoga helps regulate your hormonal balance and reduce these hormone-related migraine incidents.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Yoga is anti-inflammatory as it oxygenates your blood flow and reduces stress hormones like cortisol (which generates an inflammatory response) in your body.
  • Better Mental Health: Migraines are often caused by mental fatigue caused by stress, poor sleep, depression, anxiety, or tension. Yoga is a proven tool to calm the mind, release serotonin (happy hormones), and ground you into the present.
  • Better Physical Health: Yoga releases endorphins (natural painkiller hormone) and oxygenates your nervous system, both of which help you bounce back from a migraine quickly.

  • 5 Yoga Poses To Relieve Migraines Quickly

    While practicing yoga is a great way to maintain your overall physical and mental health, there are some specific poses that you can use to target migraines. For best results, use a therapeutic solution like the Epione De-Stress & Pain Relief Oil as part of your routine. It is perfectly blended to reduce stress and relax muscles and features the goodness of Hemp Seed Oil (anti-inflammatory), Wintergreen Oil (pain-relieving), Peppermint Oil (muscle relaxant) and Eucalyptus Oil (clears sinuses).


    Hemp seeds contain significant amounts of GLA, an omega-6 fatty acid that has been shown to reduce symptoms of chronic pain conditions. While they come from the cannabis plant, they don’t have the intoxicating effects and are perfectly safe for use among children, adults, the elderly, and even pets.

    Now, let’s take a look at yoga asanas for migraines and a step-by-step guide on how to perform them:

    Balasana (Child’s Pose) To Treat Migraines

    This sequence targets migraines by reducing tension and activating pressure points to relieve the throbbing sensation in your head. It also relaxes your mind and reduces anxiety.

    1. Start Position:
      1. Sit comfortably on your heels, ensuring your knees are hip-width apart.
    2. Bend Forward:
      1. Exhale as you bend forward, laying your torso down between your thighs.
    3. Arm and Tailbone Stretch:
      1. Stretch your arms forward, aligning them with your knees.
      2. Extend your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis.
    4. Rest and Hold:
      1. Rest your forehead on the ground to activate pressure points.
      2. Hold this position for a few minutes, allowing the upper body to relax and open up the back, shoulders, and spine.

    Eye Relaxing Face Yoga To Treat Migraines

    This sequence targets migraines by reducing tension in the forehead and eyebrow areas, improving blood circulation, and draining tension from compressed nerves. 

  • Starting Position:
        1. Sit comfortably with your spine straight.
        2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Finger Placement:
  • Place your index and middle fingers gently on your eyebrows.
  • Press and Hold:
  • Apply gentle pressure to your eyebrows.
  • Hold the pressure for about 5-10 seconds.
  • Smooth Outward:
  • Slowly slide your fingers along your eyebrows, moving outward towards your temples.
  • Repeat this motion 5-10 times.
  • Relax and Breathe:
  • After completing the movements, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths.
  • Focus on relaxing your facial muscles and letting go of tension.

  • Marjariasana (Cat Pose) To Treat Migraines

    This sequence relaxes the spine, neck, and shoulders, all of which contribute to migraines when they’re tensed. It improves blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, helping reduce the severity of the migraine.

  • Starting Position

  • Position yourself on your hands and knees (all fours) on a yoga mat.

  • Ensure your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips.

  • Keep your back flat and your head in a neutral position, looking down at the mat.

  • Inhale and Prepare

  • Take a deep breath through your nose, filling your lungs.

  • Prepare to move your spine as you inhale, creating space and relaxation in your back and neck.

  • Arch Your Back

  • As you exhale, begin to arch your back upwards towards the ceiling.

  • Tuck your chin towards your chest, stretching the back of your neck.

  • Draw your tailbone down towards the mat, rounding your entire spine.

  • Gently engage your abdominal muscles to deepen the stretch.

  • Hold the Pose

  • Maintain this arched position for a few breaths, allowing your body to release tension.

  • Focus on releasing tension in your back, neck, and shoulders, which can help alleviate migraine pain.

  • Return to Neutral

  • As you inhale, slowly return your spine to the neutral starting position.

  • Allow your back to flatten and your head to return to a neutral position, looking down at the mat.

  • Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend) To Relieve Migraines

    This inverted yoga pose targets migraines by directing blood flow to the head and calming tense nerves. It also stretches out your spine and alleviates the tension in your shoulders by dropping them down and forward.

  • Starting Position

  • Begin by standing with your feet together, or hip-width apart for better balance. Ensure your weight is evenly distributed on both feet.

  • Keep your arms relaxed at your sides and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

  • Inhale and Raise Your Arms

  • As you inhale, raise your arms overhead, reaching towards the sky.

  • Stretch your torso upwards, lengthening your spine.

  • Exhale and Bend Forward

  • As you exhale, begin to bend forward at the hips.

  • Keep your back straight initially, leading the movement with your chest.

  • Allow your torso to come down towards your thighs, and let your arms and head hang loosely.

  • Reach for the Ground

  • Try to place your palms on the floor beside your feet. If you can't reach, hold onto your ankles, and shins, or use a yoga block.

  • Let your head hang naturally, relaxing your neck completely.

  • Keep a slight bend in your knees if you feel any strain in your lower back or hamstrings.

  • Hold the Pose

  • Take slow, deep breaths in this position, allowing your body to relax deeper into the stretch with each exhale.

  • Focus on releasing tension in your neck, shoulders, and back.

  • Hold the pose for 30 seconds to a minute, or longer if comfortable.

  • Return to Standing

  • As you inhale, engage your core muscles to support your spine.

  • Slowly lift your torso back up to a standing position, stacking your vertebrae one by one.

  • Lift your arms back overhead as you come up.

  • Lower your arms back to your sides as you exhale.

  • Savasana (Corpse Pose) To Relieve Migraines

    It's not surprising that the debilitating pain of a migraine can leave you unable to move. Interestingly, practicing the corpse pose (Savasana) with slow, diaphragmatic breathing can significantly help relieve migraines. This pose induces deep relaxation, promotes slow and purposeful breathing, and allows you to disengage from stimuli like light and sound, both of which can aggravate a migraine.

  • Starting Position

  • Begin by lying on your back, relaxing your body fully, with your legs extended and arms resting by your sides. Keep your palms up, fingers gently curled.

  • Adjust Alignment

  • Ensure your head and neck are in a neutral position, with the chin slightly tucked in.

  • Align your spine comfortably, without any arching or straining.

  • Keep your legs hip-width apart, allowing them to naturally fall outward.

  • Relax Mentally & Physically

  • Softly close your eyes to eliminate visual stimuli. Take slow, deep breaths through your nose, focusing on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body.

  • Start at your toes and work your way up, consciously relaxing each muscle group, including your feet, legs, hips, abdomen, arms, shoulders, and face.

  • Stay Present

  • Remain in Savasana for 5-10 minutes, or longer if desired.

      1. If thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and gently let them go. Visualize a peaceful scene or imagine each part of your body sinking deeper into relaxation with every exhale. Bring your attention back to your breath whenever your mind starts to wander.

    1. Closing Position

      1. When ready to end the pose, begin to deepen your breath and gently wiggle your fingers and toes.

      2. Roll onto your preferred side in a fetal position, using your arm as a pillow.

      3. Take a moment to rest in this position, allowing your body to adjust.

      4. Use your hands to push yourself up into a seated position, keeping your eyes closed if possible.

    In conclusion, you can use yoga to not just treat active migraine attacks but to reduce the frequency of their occurrence too. This can be done through gentle poses, mindful breathing, and using the Epione De-Stress & Pain Relief Oil to practice relaxation techniques like forehead, neck, and back massages. It is natural, it’s effective, it has no side-effects, and it fosters a healthy lifestyle all around.